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Hi. You're in a good place. I don't have paid content. I don't have ads. And I don't need your registration. 
This project is my knowledge contribution to society, where I'm spending most of my spare time with zero commercial interest since 2019. Here, I write articles and build exotic tools related to different aspects of management discipline and behavioral science.

If you like the project - share it. That will be your greatest support.

Project Content

UX Core

A first-of-its-kind tool that became popular in product management communities worldwide in less than six months since its release in 2020. It comprises over 1000 practical examples of cognitive biases used in company management, personnel handling, and software development. 
The project has been widely recognized by leading global scholars in cognitive science and behavioral economics, as well as businessmen and educators from several educational institutions (Duke University, Harvard Business School, etc.). 
Due to direct feedback, I am aware of the systematic use of this project by teams from companies such as Google, IBM, X, Yandex, Sber, GitLab, and many others."


This menu contains tools and articles related to the project, product, and company management.
  • Project management section consists of articles structured to make the most sense when read in the presented sequence. The idea is to provide junior project managers with fundamental knowledge. 
  • Product Management section mostly consists of UX Core-related data and the UI-UX practices I keep in my teams. 

Company Management

This page consists of a modular management framework for remote-first software development companies. The framework was designed specifically for The Software Development Company to make it the first company in the country to open its internal structure and processes to the public to this extent.

Web3 Fundamentals

This is a link to the Trello board I created as a summary of my one-year-long research. The board's purpose is to explain the Web3 concept and lower the entry-level threshold for regular Web users.