Product and Operations manager with over 17 years in IT (B2G, B2B, crypto).
Cognitive science and human behavior expert. Open-source evangelist. 4X Co-founder.
Architect of lawful cyber intelligence systems, digital forensics labs, multi-factor biometric authentication technologies, ERP/CRPs, and other high-impact solutions.
CPO and COO at Hexens (Elite cybersecurity team). Principal consultant at a special unit working on classified governmental projects in the Middle East.
“This project is my knowledge contribution to society. Here I spend most of my spare time with zero commercial interest since 2019. Everything here will always be free.
Learn. Grow. Share”
This is the first-of-its-kind, biggest library of nudging strategies based on cognitive biases (patterns of human thinking).
This is a modular management framework for remote-first software development companies.
Expert in cognitive biases and nudging strategies aiming to boost decision-making and competitive edge. Trained on thousands of pieces of psychological explanations of human behavior.
UX Core is an interesting collection of principles from social science and a beautiful interface.
Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University.
Author of 3 NYT best-selling books.
This site, UX Core lets you explore many cognitive biases while creating software, pretty interesting to explore.
Director of Engineering at Google
(Core Developer Web)
I love the way you categorized and presented the information. It's incredible.
CEO and Cofounder at RSE Ventures,
WSJ bestselling author.
This [UX Core] framework is the most comprehensive one I've ever ran into, and I'll surely visit it often since awareness is the very first step.
Director of Professional Services at Amazon (AWS)
The idea of open-sourcing such enormous amount of knowledge in UX Core in such a structured way is amazing!
Director of Technology Department at National Library and Archives of Gulf region (UAE).
Having this knowledge is essential for everyone to learn how to protect ourselves from the overwhelming amount of misleading information we encounter today.
CTO and Cofounder at TACTUN. Lecturer at American University of Armenia. Ex-Amazon (Australia)
This is a first-of-its-kind free educational tool that became popular in product management communities worldwide in less than six months of its release in 2020. It comprises over a thousand practical examples of cognitive biases used in company management, personnel handling, and software development.
The project has been widely recognized by leading global scholars in cognitive science and behavioral economics from such institutions as Duke University, Harvard Business School, American University in Dubai (AUD) and many others.
This is a modular management framework for remote-first software development companies. The framework was designed specifically for The Software Development Company to make it the first company in the country to open its internal structure and processes to the public to this extent.
This menu contains tools and articles related to the project, product, and company management.
Project management section consists of articles structured to make the most sense when read in the presented sequence. The idea is to provide junior project managers with fundamental knowledge.
Product Management section mostly consists of UX Core-related data and the UI-UX practices I keep in my teams.
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